Thursday, April 3, 2008

What Does Boxer Mil Sim Mean (Part 1)

Milsim, what does it really mean? Since our involvement in the Milsim Test Game at Command Decisions. Runaway (Boxer Team Captain) and I have been discussing really emphasizing a true Milsim approach as the core philosophy of the team. But what does that really mean?

Our Air soft brothers are far more advanced in this regard. Check out several air soft videos I have posted. Clearly Milsim is more than just the gear and BDU’s it goes to the core of how we will play the game. Certainly there are many paintball Milsim teams out there, but I have yet to see any that take to the extreme of the Air Soft community.

One of the concepts we want to present to the team is taking everything we need for the entire game into the field so that we don’t have to go back into the rest area. This means air, paint and anything else required to conduct operations. Our belief is that by doing this we will maintain a sharper edge during the entire operation. The only reason we would send people back to the rest area would be for re-supply. Once on the field all of our activities will be conducted in a tactical manner.

We also want to encourage greater fire control and ammunition conservation by using limited paint hoppers. This has the benefit of making the game cheaper for the average player. This is because the limited paint hopper forces you to take aimed shots rather relying on a volume of paint. That or you will find yourself getting elimnated in the middle of reloading. Additionally, there must be a greater reliance on tactics and teamwork. All these things will give us an edge over the average scenario paintball team.

The key to this will be developing a strong squad based culture. This is more than just putting people in squads, its ensuring that there are designated roles that individuals fill on an ongoing basis. So that when we hit the field every person knows their role, how to do it, and where to go. The core value required to achieve this end is a willingness on the part of each player to do their part for the team. This includes duties and tasks that are neither glamorous or exciting.

In some ways Milsim goes against the grain of what’s at the heart of most paintball players desire to play, the desire to be the HERO!

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